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Neuro surgeon

Brain surgery

The brain is the regulator, the control link in the body that enables us to perform all functions and tasks. Disorders and dysfunctions of the nervous system cause many physiological and psychological problems. Unfortunately, in modern times, there are more concerns with the brain. The most common brain tumor. Technological advances have revolutionized the medical field. Armaan Hospital treat all brain diseases and surgeries. All the treatments and surgeries are done under expert surgeons only. They are experts in performing a variety of brain surgeries that can help patients overcome and fight deadly tumors. Depending on the stage, level, and nature of the issue, your surgeon will recommend a surgical procedure. They use brain mapping technology to be more precise and accurate in recommending the type of surgery.

Skull-Based Surgery

Base of the skull surgery may be an open base of the skull surgery that requires an incision in the skull in which the affected part of the bone is removed. Endoscopic surgery requires a small hole through which an endoscope can pass to remove the affected area. Treatment of aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) should be voluntary to avoid further complications. Surgical procedures to remove it include craniectomy, embolization, and radiosurgery.

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