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functional Neurosurgery

Functional neurosurgery

Functional neurosurgery has revolutionized the field of neurology. It features a team of multi-specialty neurosurgeons with a deep understanding of the anatomy and function of the nervous system. Dr. RPS Chhabra is one of the pioneers in the team of experts who have revolutionized the field of neurosurgery in Jalandhar. The procedure involves the use of devices that can stimulate the lesion and affect the strength and endurance of the lesion. This is a technological breakthrough in the treatment of neurological problems in which electrical energy directly affects a target site and modulates nerve activity. The potential of neuromodulation for the treatment of neurological disorders is broad. It can treat mild tremors that lead to nervous breakdowns that paralyze the body. Deep brain stimulation is a method of generating electrical impulses that can stimulate dead or affected areas of the brain. There is a controller device that regulates the flow of charged electrons to the brain. There is a controller device that regulates the flow of charged electrons to the brain. A gamma knife is a form of radiosurgery that uses radiation to burn or damage a tumor. It has the advantage of not requiring incision and having a record of completion in one day. Functional neurosurgery has vast opportunities and a promising future. Neurosurgeons around the world are working to extend the applications of functional neurosurgery to all areas of the nervous system.

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