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Kyphosis, commonly known as "humpback" or "round back," is a deformity of the spine caused by an external growth of the spine. The spine of the human body has curves that allow people to stand, sit, and walk upright. If the curves of the spine are too large or too small for biological reasons, it causes problems in our standing and sitting posture, and our body does not look normal. The range of curvature of the thoracic spine varies from 20 to 45 degrees. Curves beyond this range become the cause of the concern and are known in medical terms as curvatures. It can affect people of any age, but a medical history suggests a greater risk of developing the disease in adolescence, when bone growth is at its peak. Postural curvature leads to the development of a smooth, rounded curve that causes poor or sagging posture. Scheuermann's kyphosis is of a more severe nature and condition than the first. The vertebrae are triangular rather than rectangular because they wedge forward of the spine, causing a hard and sharp curve. Congenital kyphosis develops in the womb when the bones do not form as they should or the vertebrates fuse together. The situation worsens over time as the child grows older.

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