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Neurointervention (endovascular coils and embolization)

Neurological interventions involve the use of catheters to treat and visualize the affected blood vessels, nerves in the head, brain, or spine. The procedure uses a small incision. Therefore, the recovery period is shorter and pain is less compared to neurosurgery. However, the choice of neurosurgery over neurosurgery depends on the nature of the problem.

Endovascular coils and embolizations use small, thin, soft platinum coils very similar to human hair. This coil is used to seal the ruptured aneurysm. An aneurysm is an area in the wall of an artery that, when ruptured, causes bleeding into the brain. A neurologist closes the gap during embolization. A catheter facilitates the process of inserting a coil into a ruptured aneurysm. Neurosurgeons use an endovascular coil to seal the wall of the aneurysm and prevent further blood leakage. The procedure requires an experienced neurosurgeon who is familiar with all the subtleties. Your neurosurgeon will examine your past medical history if the nature of the procedure requires it. He will ask about previous medical surgeries and any medications you have taken. This process involves the use of artificial agents introduced into the body, such as dyes and coils. Allergies should be reported to the neurosurgeon to avoid causing problems during and after the procedure. .

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