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Shunt Surgery

Hydrocephalus (Shunt Surgery) is filled with a liquid in a liquid inside the brain, and causes brain tissue and brain damage. The difficulty may occur in all ages, but unfortunately, there is a high record of high influence of children and adults over 60 years of age. It may also lose sleep, feel susceptible, dizziness, and can cause convulsions. A shunt implanted in the ventricle helps fluid to escape and be absorbed into the body. The shunt contains a ventricular catheter that drains cerebrospinal fluid into the body and a valve that controls the flow. This procedure involves placing a ventricular catheter behind the head and the other end around the abdomen, heart chamber, and lungs to drain excess fluid. The valve controls the discharge of either too much or too little liquid. Repetitive surgery is required to repair, remove, or replace shunts for efficient and trouble-free operation

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