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Posterior Cervical Microforaminotomy

Cervical spondylectomy after discectomy puts pressure on the nerve structures of the spine, causing sharp pain and discomfort. The surgical process begins by sedating a person and then making a small incision in the affected area, through which a small tube is passed to separate the muscle and tissue. Gradually, a series of larger retractors are inserted through the incision that widens and helps access the affected area of the spine. This process involves removing disc fragments, bone spurs, damaged tissue that compresses the spine, and expanding the size of the affected nerve cells. The neuron is the passage through which the spinal nerve roots exit the spinal canal. A ruptured disc narrows the passageway, with nerve nuclei pressing on spinal nerves and causing pain. Regaining strength in the neck to perform functions is essential, which may require patients to wear a soft collar, therapy sessions, and exercise.

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